SIC/NAICS Codes are used to determine the type of industry into which a business can be categorized. SIC/NAICS Code Service help identify companies by Industry for Better B2B Intelligence. Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code covers almost all businesses. In the United States, the SIC code is being supplanted by the six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code. NAICS is also used to classify and measure businesses.
Datalense Services makes sure that each record in our 80 million+ database is populated with SIC/NAICS codes which are thoroughly verified through our validation process. We can facilitate 100% accurate and authentic SIC/NAICS Code mailing lists. Our well targeted SIC/NAICS Code lists will help you find the ideal audience in your market niche and execute highly efficient and successful campaigns with superior ROI.
For detailed data count and price requests contact us by email at:
We've helped businesses attain new customers, increase sales and improve productivity by accomplishing their goals - online and offline. Here's what just a few of them had to say about it:
Datalense Services has provided a valuable list for our sales team. We have trialed more than ten other similar services, but none match the accuracy of Datalense Services. .
I'll never forget when we started using Datalense, our open rates went through the roof. The data was so much cleaner, and the Salesforce integration allowed our reps to do their jobs efficiently and perform at a higher level than before..
Datalense has delivered high commitment and delivered quality data as promised. We will surely consider their services in the future.
Using the Largest & Most Accurate set of Data available in the industry.